The variety and riches of archival collections held by European institutions led in March 2024 to the decision to create this subpage of Digital archives. Thus hopefully the overview of both European and archives in other contients becomes clearer.
For one particular subject I have tried elsewhere to provide a fair selection of digital collections. Digital projects for and by archives concerning the First World War can be found at my blog Digital 1418. Some projects with sources for and problems in legal history are in a phase of crowdsourcing projects in which the general public is invited to join scholars in transcribing or indexing resources. On the page about palaeography of my site I have listed a number of major platforms for these projects.
It is good to be aware of the differences in archival terminology. I use often the word archives for the institutions which hold archival records, and also for archival collections with files stemming from one source, thus forming a fonds as the French would say. I use finding aid and inventory as synonyms. In Dutch the word archief can stand for both the institution and a particular archival collection. In American usage the term manuscript collection can refer to archival records. You can learn much in this respect from the Multilingual Archival Terminology created by the International Council of Archives. At the end of this page you will find a section with some links for standards, terminology, archival societies and their journals.
Archives in the Netherlands
- Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen (KVAN) – the Royal Dutch Society of Archivists, the oldest organization of archivists worldwide, with its own journal, now called Archievenblad, the years 1892 to 1940 are also digitized at Delpher; since 2019 the KVAN works in close cooperation with the Brancheorganisatie Archiefinstellingen Nederland (BRAIN)
- Archieven – this portal has a search interface connecting to many Dutch archives, note also the Erfgoedgids, a guide to cultural institutions with archival holdings; interface Dutch, English and German – please note some major archives are not included (Nationaal Archief, the municipal archives of Amsterdam)
- Archieven en archieforganisaties in Nederland [Archives and archival organisations in the Netherlands], Archiefwiki – an interactive map of archives and other relevant organisations – alas since ultimo June 2023 offline
- Nationaal Archief, The Hague – the Dutch national archives, with an online library catalogue and also the Actorenregister, a register of persons and institutions responsible for creating archival fonds, currently only for the NA, Noordhollands Archief and Het Utrechts Archief
- Doorzoek koloniale archieven [Search colonial archives], Gerhard de Kok and Nationaal Archief – searching in HTR transcribed records of the Dutch East India Company, the West India Company and other colonial institutions; a second way to these records is available at Open Archieven
- Open Archieven – a search portal for genealogical information about Dutchmen; search interface Dutch, English, French and German
- Archieven in beeld: Historische transcripties – a pilot for creating searchable transcriptions of archival records, with some 200,000 images; see also the platform Zoek in transcripties with a selection of searchable notarial records
- Archives, Koninklijke Verzamelingen [Royal Collections], The Hague – with restricted access, but also some digital collections
- NIOD: Instituut voor oorlogs-, holocaust- en genocidestudies, Amsterdam – formely an archive dealing only with documdentation about the Second World War; interface Dutch and English
- Landelijk Overleg van Provinciale Archiefinspecteurs (LOPAI) – a platform of Dutch provincial archival inspectors
- Kennisnetwerk Informatie en Archief – a new platform for knowledge around Dutch archives and the information world
- Open Data Nederland – a searchable database for data sets in the Netherlands
- Projectenbank, Digitaal Erfgoed Nederland – this was a database for searching digitization projects at archives, libraries, museums and other cultural institutions, but at least there is a Dutch Digital Heritage Network
- Metamorfoze – the Dutch national program for the description, cataloguing, restauration and/or digitization of cultural heritage
- Vele Handen [Many Hands] – more than twenty crowdsourcing projects mainly at Dutch archives for either deciphering or indexing acts, registers and other documents or describing photographic images and maps
- Stadsarchief Amsterdam – the municipal archives, the largest Dutch city archive
- Search portal, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam – for searching the collections of the IISH, with well over 900 archival collections
- Atria Kennisinstituut voor Emancipatie en Vrouwengeschiedenis, Amsterdam – long known as the International Information Center for Women’s History, with online finding aids; interface Dutch and English
- Catholic Documentation Center, Nijmegen – the KDC has both a central catalog for searching archival records, audiovisual materials and books and also separate searching possibilities
- Erfgoedcentrum Nederlands Kloosterleven [Center for Dutch Monastic Heritage], Cuijk-St. Agatha – a documentation center with archives and other collections – mainly books, objects from daily life and works of art – of some hundred religious orders and congregations
- Repertorium van Nederlandse zendings- en missiearchieven 1800-1960, Huygens Instituut – a repertory of archival collections concerning Dutch missionaries, both Protestant and Catholic
- Historisch Documentatiecentrum voor het Nederlands Protestantisme (1800-heden), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – this university was founded by Abraham Kuyper
- Archief- en Documentatiecentrum voor de Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, Kampen – interface Dutch and English
- Gronings Archiefnet – similar websites exist for the provinces Friesland and Drenthe; until 2016 a portal existed for ten archives in the province Utrecht
- Het Utrechts Archief, Utrecht – since 1998 the city archives of Utrecht and the provincial archive form an united archival service; you can find here many ecclesiastical collections and Dutch railway archives
- Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid [Institute for Image and Sound], Hilversum – with among other things online finding aids for television emissions and radio broadcasts
- Bedrijfsarchieven Register Nederland [Dutch Company Archives Register], Nederlands Economisch-Historisch Archief (NEHA), Amsterdam – alas this service has been discontinued – the NEHA works closely with the IISH
- Platform Familiearchieven – a platform with attention for family archives and other private collections
- Platform Particuliere Archieven [Platform for Private Archives], KDC, Nijmegen
- Special collections in Dutch libraries, Bibliopolis, Royal Library, The Hague – a database for searching both special book collections and archival collections
- Digitaal Repertorium, Special Collections, Utrecht University Library – an online repertory for the manuscript and archival collections
- Wegwijzer Archieven Tweede Wereldoorlog – a former guide to Dutch archives and materials about and from the Second World War created by the NIOD and the Nationaal Archief; see now the portal Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen [Network War Sources] with an overview of institutions with relevant holdings
- Overzichten van de archieven en verzamelingen in de openbare archiefbewaarplaatsen in Nederland [Overviews of the archival collections in the Dutch public record offices], Digital Library for Dutch Literature – a digitized version of most of the 14 volumes for the Dutch provinces – vol. 1 and 2 for Drenthe and Gelderland are missing – the National Archives, and also the municipal archive of Amsterdam [vol. 8] in this exemplary series published between 1979 and 1992 by L.M.T.L. Hunstinx, F.C.J. Ketelaar, H.J.H.A.G. Metselaars, J.J. Temminck and H. Uil
- Nationaal Register Webarchieven, Dutch Digital Heritage Network – a platform for finding archived websites
- Datasetregister, Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed and Nationaal Archief – a subdomain of the Dutch Digital Heritage Network for datasets concerning cultural heritage
For some subjects in Dutch history separate guides to archival sources have been published, many of them also accessible online at the Huygens Institute/ING, here a selection:
- Gids voor de landsheerlijke archieven van Gelre, Holland, Zeeland en het Sticht. Bestuurlijke, economische en sociale geschiedenis vóór 1500, M.J. van Gent and M.-Ch. Le Bailly (eds.) (The Hague 2002) – a guide to archival collections concerning the administrative, economic and social history of four Dutch regions before 1500
- Theo Thomassen, Instrumenten van de macht. De Staten-Generaal en hun archieven 1576-1796 (first version thesis Amsterdam, 2009; revised version, 2015) – a voluminous but indispensable introduction to the archives of the States-General in the Early Modern period, and a great introduction to the government and politics of the Dutch Republic
- Joke Roelevink (ed.), Bestuur en administratie van de Bataafs Franse tijd 1795-1813 (The Hague 2012) – a web version of a guide to the French period in Dutch history
- Jos Gabriëls, Koninkrijk in wording. Een toegang tot de jaren 1813–1815 – a portal to resources concerning a period of change after the French period
- Gids voor de archieven van de ministeries en de Hoge Colleges van Staat 1813-1940, F.J.M. Otten (ed.) (The Hague 2004) – a guide to the archives of ministries and a number of special institution
European archives
- Archives Portal Europe – a growing overview of archival institutions in Europe and a searchable database for online finding aids, allowing also thematic searches; there is a blog
- Collective European Digital Archive Infrastructure (Cendari) – a project for an European archival directory, with also a number of research guides, in particular for the First World War and medieval history
- Archive in der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpenländer (ARGE) – archives in the Alpine region; interface German and Italian
- ICARUS – International Center for Archival Research – a consortium of 160 archives in Europe and the United States of America
- Historical research in Europe: a guide to archives and libraries, University of Wisconsin – yet another inactive resource (since September 2018); archived copy, 2015, Internet Archive
- Guide to European and UK Archives, Libraries and Research Centres, Columbia University Library – strong on British archives and on printed guides and repertories
- Archives of Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – to be used in combination with the subject guides of the Slavic Reference Service
- East and South East European Archives: A web guide, Universität München
- EHRI Portal, European Holocaust Research Infrastructure – a portal for archival research about the genocide on Jewish people during the Second World War; interface English, French, German and Polish – the International Research Portal for Records Related to Nazi-Era Cultural Property is one of the EHRI projects
- Evidence! Europe reflected in archives – a virtual exhibition with archival documents from seven cities (Bergen, Bologna, Cracow, Helsinki, Prague, Reykjavik and Santiago de Compostela)
- Novgorod-Finland, National Archives of Finland and State Archives of the Novgorod Region – a project of two archives on shared history; interface Finnish, Russian and English
- Vademecum-Reihe, Bundesstiftung zur Aufbearbeitung der SED-Diktatur – a series of guides (PDF) for archives, libraries, museums, research institutes and memory sites concerning the Cold War and Communist regimes for countries in Eastern Europe (Albania Bulgaria, Poland, Roumania, Slovakia, Moldavia and Ukraine), Scandinavia, Spain (Civil War and Franco’s dictature), and also Georgia
- International Tracing Service Arolsen – the site of the ITS, an organisation with its own library and archive, working for the search of displaced and killed civilians during and immediately after the Second World War
- Baltic Connections: Uncovering the common past of the Baltic Sea countries (1450-1800) – an international project for an online archival guide
- Historical Archives of the European Union, European University Institute, Florence
- Historical Archives, European Parliament, Luxembourg – interface French, English and German
- Historical Archives, European Commission, Brussels – interface French, English and German
- Historical Archives, Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg
- Topothek – a platform for local digital collections of private archives, starting in Austria; interface German and English
- European Diary Archives and Collections (EDAC)
- Repertorium Alborum Amicorum (RAA): Internationales Verzeichnis von Stammbüchern und Stammbuchfragmenten in öffentlichen und privaten Sammlungen – a database and digital archive for the genre of the Early Modern alba amicorum, showing both poetry and networks
- filmarchives online – a portal with a meta-catalogue for searching films in major European film archives; there is an extensive links section
- i.d.a. – Dachverband deutschsprachiger Frauen / Lesbenarchive, -bibliotheken und -dokumentationsstellen – a consortium of institutions for women’s history in Austria, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Switzerland; interface German and English
- WINE – Women’s Information Network Europe
- The Documentary Heritage of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, UNESCO and Archives of Belarus – a guide in Russian to archival holdings concerning this vanished country in archives and libraries in Austria, Belarus, Germany, Lithuania, Poland (in Polish), Russia, Sweden, Ukraine and Vatican City
- Nuohtti – Search portal for Sámi archival materials – an online repertory for (digitized) archival materials concerning the Sámi; interface in five languages
- Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Arkivave [General Directorate of Archives], Tirana – the national archives
- Autoriteti për Informimin mbi Dokumentet e Ish-Sigurimit të Shtetit [Authority for Information on Former State Security Documents], Tirana – an independent archival organisation which guards and describes these documents
- Jonila Godile, Vademecum Albania. A guide to archives, research institutions, libraries, associations, museums and sites of memory (Berlin 2022; online, PDF, 5,2 MB)
- Arxius i Gestió de la Documentació. Arxiu Nacional d’Andorra
- Archivinformationssystem, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Vienna – the search system of the Austrian national archives
- Archivregister, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Vienna – an overview of Austrian archives
- Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv, Vienna – the municipal and regional archives
- Archivnet: Österreichs Archive Online – a central database for searching in a number of Austrian archives
- Parlamentsarchiv, Republik Österreich, Vienna
- Verzeichniss der künstlerischen, wissenschaftlichen und kulturpolitischen Nachlässe in Österreich, Österreichisches Bibliotheksverbund – searching for papers of artists, scholars and other persons important for Austria’s cultural and political life in the holdings of archives, libraries and museums
- Handschriften und Nachlässe, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna – the catalogue for manuscripts and personal papers
- Nachlassverzeichnis, Wienbibliothek, Vienna – an overview of archival collections in this library
- Kirchenarchive – a portal with finding aids of diocesan archives and archives of religious orders and individual monasteries
- Sammlung Frauennachlässe, Institut für Geschichte, Universität Wien – a study centre with archival collections from women
- Национальный архив Республики Беларусь (Nacionalnyj archiv Respubliki Belarus), Minsk – interface Belarussian, Russian and English
- Archives of Belarus – a guide to archives in Belarus, interface Belarussian, Russian and English
- State Archives in Belgium – the multilingual portal of the Belgian state archives, with a separate portal for searching archival collections
- Patricia Van den Eeckhout and Guy Vanthemsche (eds.) Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België,19e-21e eeuw [Sources for the study of modern Belgium, 19th-21st centuries] (3rd ed., 2 vol., Brussels 2017) – the Royal Commission for History offers this guide also online (version 2017), with due attention to collections in archives and libraries
- Archieven en bibliotheken, Heuristiek, Ghent University – a useful overview of Belgian archives and research libraries
- Het Archief, VIAA – a portal for searching Flemish audiovisual material concerning culture and government
- Archief van Brussel – the municipal archive of Brussels
- Archief, Vlaams Parlement, Brussels – the archive of the parliament for Flanders
- Archief. Belgische Senaat, Brussels – interface Dutch and French
- Archief Buitenlandse Zaken, Brussels – the diplomatic archives; interface Dutch, French, German and English
- Felixarchief, Antwerp – the municipal archive of Antwerp houses many rich and interesting archival collections
- Archieven. Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerpen – the archives of the Plantin printers, publishers and their families are listed on UNESCO Memory o f the Wor;d; multilingual interface
- Archiefwijzer: Archieven in Vlaanderen – a guide to all kind of archives in Flanders
- Archiefbank Vlaanderen – an online guide to private archives and heritage collections in Flanders, now called Archiefpunt; interface Dutch, French and English
- Archives régionales de Wallonie – the search portal of the regional archives in the Francophone part of Belgium
- Centre d’archives Mundaneum, Mons – the archival collections of the Mundaneum concern movements such as anarchism, pacifism and feminism, but also Otlet and De la Fontaine, pioneers of modern documentation; interface French, Dutch and English
- Kadoc: Documentatie- en Onderzoekscentrum voor Religie, Cultuur en Samenleving, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – a research centre for Catholic cultural heritage with a rich library and many archival collections
- Archives du monde catholique (Arca), Université Catholique Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve
- Evadoc: Protestants-Evangelisch Archief- en Documentatiecentrum, Leuven – in the same building as the Kadoc is its Protestant counterpart
- Amsab-Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Ghent – an institute for social history research with archival collections
- Liberaal Archief, Ghent – with also digital collections
- AVG-Carhif – Archief- en Onderzoekcentrum voor Vrouwengeschiedenis, Brussels – an archive for women’s history; interface Dutch, French and English
- Cegesoma, Rijksarchief, Brussels – this documentaion centre for the history of the Second World War and social history is since 2016 part of the Belgian national archives; interface Dutch, French and English
- Arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo – the national archives, with an overview of other archives; interface Bosnian, Hercegovinian, Serbian and English
- Historijski Arhiv Sarajevo
- Gazi Husrey Bekova Biblioteka, Sarajevo – with an archive of the islamic community and Ottoman archives; interface Bosnian, English, Turkish and Arabic
- Arhiv Republike Srpske, Banjaluka – the national archives of the Serbian entity
- Archives State Agency, Republic of Bulgaria – the website of the national archives agency; interface Bulgarian and English
- Vademecum Contemporary History Bulgaria. A Guide to Archives, Research Institutions, Libraries, Associations, Museums and Sites of Memory, Iskra Baeva and Stefan Troebst (eds.) (Berlin-Sofia 2007)
- Nacionalni Arhivski informacijski sustav, Hrvatski državni arhiv, Zagreb – the search portal of the Croatian national archive, also for other archives in Croatia
- Archives in Croatia, Hrvatski državni arhiv – an overview of Croatian state archives
- Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku [State Archive in Dubrovnik] – in this municipal archive are many records of the medieval republic Ragusa
- Drzavni arhiv u Zadru (State Archives in Zadar) – known in Italian as the Archivio di Stato di Zara, with rich holdings for Venetian and Dalmatian history; interface Croatian and English; the online guide Vodic drzavnog arhiva u Zadru can only be viewed in Croatian
- Κρατικό Αρχείο [Kratiko Archeio] – the national archives of Cyprus; interface Greek and English
Czech Republic
- Archivní fondy a sbírky v České republice (Archives and archival collections in the Czech Republic) – an overview in Czech, English, German and French, with among the archives the Národni archiv [National Archives], Prague (website in Czech and English)
- Archival directory, Ceska archivni spolecnost [Czech Society of Archivists] – a concise overview of state archives and other archives; interface Czech – also in German at the blog Aktenkunde : Archive in der Tschechischen Republik
- Badatelna – a portal for the Czech state archives, the national library, the museum for Czech literature, and the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the university of Prague
- Archiv hlavního mesta Praha (Prague Municipal Archive) – interface Czech and English
- Moravý zemský archiv v Brne (Moravian Regional Archive), Brno
- Archiv bespecnosnich slozek [Archive of the Security Services], Prague – this archive has holdings from security services and departments during the Communist period; interface Czech and English
- Vademecum Contemporary History Czech Republic / Soudobych Déjin Česka Republica, Oldřich Tůma, Jitka Svobodová and Ulrich Mählert (eds.) (Prague-Berlin 2005; online, PDF, 0,8 MB)
- Daisy, Riksarkivet – the search portal of the Danish national archives
- Københavns Stadsarkiv, Copenhagen – the municipal archive
- Arkivvejviser, Arkibas – a database for searching Danish archives, in particular for local history
- – a portal for searching the online inventories of a number of communal archives
- Diplomatarium Danicum – the online version contains only charters from the fifteenth century; interface Danish, introductions in four languages – the Kjøbenhavns Diplomatarium, Oluf Nielsen (ed.) (10 vol., Copenhagen, 1872-1887) has been digitized at the Danks Slaegtsbibliotek
- Ravhusarhiiv, Tallinn – the Estonian national archive; interface Estonian and English
- Estica, Ravhusarhiiv, Tallinn – a database concerning archival records for Estonian history in other countries, such as Germany, Latvia and Russia; interface Estonian
Tjóðsskjalasavnið [Faroese National Archives], Tórshavn
- Kansallisarkisto (National Archives), Helsinki – interface Finnish, Swedish and English
- Finna – a search portal for archives, libraries and museums in Finland; interface Finnish, Swedish and English
- Arkistojen Portti – an archival wiki for Finnish archives; interface Finnish, Swedish and Russian
- FranceArchives: Portail national des archives – a general site about French archives with many thematic dossiers, a search interface for inventories and for example a database for searching all kind of archives in France
- Archives nationales de France – with locations in Paris, Fontainebleau and Pierrefitte-sur-Seine; finding aids can be consulted in the Salle des inventaires virtuelle; interface French, English and Spanish; the journal Mémoire d’avenir (e-zine and PDF) aims at a general audience
- Calames – a portal for the archival collections and libraries of French research institutes; you can search in the advanced search mode for digitized items; interface French and English
- Archives et manuscrits, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris – the search portal for archival collections and manuscripts at the BnF and the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal
- Manuscrits et archives, Catalogue collectif de France – searching in four national catalogs for manuscripts and archives
- Répertoire des ressources documentaires du ministère de la Culture – a browsable guide, also available as PDF, with information about the main French archives, libraries, museums and centers for specific education (version 2017)
- Archives, Assemblée Nationale, Paris
- Archives diplomatiques, Paris-La Courneuve and Nantes
- Service historique de la Défense – the archives of the French armed forces, with its main location in Vincennes
- Archives nationales du monde du travail, Roubaix
- Centre des Archives Économiques et Financières, Savigny-le-Temple
- Archives de Paris – the city archive of Paris
- Archives départementales d’Indre-et-Loire, Tours – a regional archive used by Tocqueville for his study L’ancien régime et la Révolution (1856)
- Archives départementales du Nord (ADN), Lille – this archive has rich holdings for Dutch and Belgian history
- Archives judiciaires d’Ancien Régime, Fontes Historiae Iuris, Université Lille – formerly there was here guidance to archival records about three institutions, among them the parlements for Flandre and Normandy – the older Guide des recherches dans les fonds judiciaires de l’Ancien Régime, M. Antonie et alii (eds.) (Paris 1958; online, PDF) remains valuable
The Revue de l’Institut français d’histoire en Allemagne 3 (2014) is a special on Geschichte machen in Frankreich, with an article by Florence de Peyronnet-Dryden and Matthias Nuding on ‘Archive in Frankreich’. At the portal Criminocorpus you can consult a web version or PDF of the Guide des archives judiciaires et pénitentiaires en France (1800-1958) by Jean-Claude Farcy (1992). The archival guides by Andreas Wilkens, Archivführer Paris 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Zentrale Bestände zu Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Archiven und Bibliotheken (Sigmaringen 1997) and Wolfgang Hans Stein, Inventar von Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte in Pariser Archiven und Bibliotheken : Band 2: Archive im Bereich des Verteidigungsministeriums, Archive des Außen- und Finanzministeriums, Stadtpariser Archive und Bibliotheken (Koblenz-Stuttgart 2002) have been digitized by the German Historical Institute in Paris.
- National Archives of Georgia, Tbilisi – interface Georgian and English
- Vademecum Georgia. A guide to archives, libraries, museums and memorial sites, Irakli Khvadagiani and David Jishkariani (eds.) (Berlin 2018)
- Archivportal-D, Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek – a very good overview with many useful filters and sections with access to online inventories, interface German and English; there is a useful glossary of archival terms; note also the Themenportal Weimarer Republik, an extensive overview of regional and thematic archival portals, and the portal Wiedergutmachung on repairs for damage caused by the Nazi regime
- Bundesarchiv – the German national archives with its main center in Koblenz; interface German and English; since 2013 the Bundesarchiv publishes its own journal Forum (PDF)
- Deutsche Dienststelle für die Benachrichtigung der nächsten Angehörigen von Gefallenen der ehemaligen deutschen Wehrmacht (WASt), Berlin-Borsigwalde – between 1939 and 2019 this archival service provided information about fallen German soldiers; now part of the Bundesarchiv; interface German, English and French
- Berliner Archive – a database for searching among more than 100 archives in Berln; interface German
- Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin-Dahlem – with an interesting guide by Jürgen Kloosterhuis on German administration, Amtliche Aktenkunde der Neuzeit. Ein hilfswissenschafliches Kompendium
- Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts, Berlin – the archive of the ministry of foreign affairs, for 1870-1945, the DDR (1949-1990) and the Bundesrepublik from 1949 onwards; interface German and English
- Parlamentsarchiv des Deutschen Bundestages, Berlin
- Landesarchiv Berlin – the new form of the municipal archive, Berlin is one of the Bundesländer, hence it is a Landesarchiv
- Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv, Potsdam
- Archiv der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem – the archives of this organization for scientific research
- Stasi-Unterlagen-Archiv – a special archive with branches in fifteen cities concerning the legacy of the DDR secret service
- Andere Archive, Bundesstiftung zur Aufbearbeitung der SED-Diktatur – a research institute with its own archive and library points in this guide to other archives with materials concerning the former DDR – see also this page of the Bundesarchiv, Archivgut der SED und des FDGB
- Zentrale Datenbank Nachlässe, Bundesarchiv – there is an overview at the German Wikisource of digitized personal papers, for example for Karl von Amira and Friedrich Carl von Savigny
- Savigny-Datenbank, Universitätsbibliothek Marburg – a database with in particular digitized letters to and from Friedrich Carl von Savigny (1779-1861)
- Kalliope Verbundkatalog, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – a database for searching personal papers and publishers’ archives in German archives, libraries and museums; interface German and English
- Kallias Katalog, Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach – an archive with not only literary papers, but also papers of scholars and a section Global Archives; interface German and English
- Wirtschaftsarchivportal – company archives and archives for economic history
- Kirchliche Archive – with portals for the Lutheran church and the Catholic church
- Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich and Berlin – an institution with an important library and archival holdings concerning twentieth-century Germany
- Archivführer Deutsche Kolonialgeschichte, Fachhochschule Potsdam – a research guide for German colonial history, with a focus on archival records, maps and holding institutions; there is also space for learning the Kurrentschrift; interface German, English and French
- FFBIZ: Das feministische Archiv – Sammeln-Bewahren-Erinnern, Berlin
- Archive in Baden-Württemberg – compare the overview at the LEO cultural heritage portal
- Staatliche Archive Bayern – with the Findmitteldatenbank for online finding aids; interface in five languages
- Archive in Bayern – a portal to more than 900 archives
- Archivinformationssystem Hessen
- Archivportal Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Universität Greifswald
- Archivinformationssystem Niedersachsen und Bremen
- Archive in Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln
- Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein – see also the Archivführer Schleswig-Holstein. Archive und ihre Bestände (Hamburg 2011) (PDF, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg)
- Archive in Schleswig-Holstein
- APERTUS, Virtueller Lesesaal der staatlichen Archiven in Rheinland-Pfalz
- Archivportal für den Südwesten – archives in Rheinland-Pfalz and the Saarland
- Archivwesen, Sächsisches Staatsarchiv
- Sächsische Gerichtsbücher, Sächsisches Staatsarchiv – indexes for 22000 (!) judicial registers from the fifteenth to the mid-nineteenth century
- Archive in Sachsen-Anhalt (Archivführer 2014) (PDF)
- Archivportal Thüringen
- Archiv der sozialen Demokratie (AdsD), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn – collections documenting social movements and the German socialist party
- Quellen zur Gerichtsbarkeit Kaiser Friedrich III. (1440-1493), Ralf Mitsch and Holger Vogelmann, Regesta Imperii – an online finding aid to late medieval arbitral commissions
- Datenbank zu Entscheidungsprotokollen des Reichskammergericht, Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main – a downloadable database created by Anette Bauman for the Gesellschaft für Reichskammergerichtsforschung concerning 51 manuscripts and registers from 1524 to 1627 (PDF, 14 MB) – see now the Datenbank Höchstgerichtsbarkeit, Universität Graz, for seacrhing some 43,000 cases, with also these and other documents and downloads
- Deutsche Städtebücher (Index Librorum Civitatum), Universität Halle-Wittenberg – a project for a repertory of German municipal registers from the thirteenth century onwards, kept in 500 archives and libraries, with various useful filters and bibliographies; interface German, English and Latin: ite et videte!
- Fürst Thurn und Taxis Hofbibliothek und Zentralarchiv, Regensburg – the library and archives of a family with a long tradition, famous for the Early Modern postal service
- Niklas Luhmann-Archiv, Universität Bielefeld – the scientific papers and the card indexes of this German lawyer and sociologist who created an influential system theory; the archive is being digitized
- Dokumentationsstelle Dresden, Stiftung Sächsiche Gedenkstätten – an archive with several online databases on German and Jewish history in the twentieth century; interface German, English and Russian
A post by Mareike König (Deutsches Historisches Institut, Paris), Travailler dans les archives allemands at Germano-Fil contains a nutshell guide and a wealth of relevant web links. In 2018 Frank Bischoff contributed a fine guide to German archives at Clio-online. The Bodleian Library in Oxford has a fine guide to archival research in Germany. eStudies offer a Tutorium Archivarbeit. On F. Bretschneider and J. Guilbaud contributed ‘Les archives en Allemagne’ as part of the scholarly guide Faire l’histoire en Allemagne (2011). For archives in the DDR the guide to DDR history by Henrik Bispinck for Clio-online (2018) is helpful, as are the guides at this platform for other periods (Epochen) in German history.
- Ελληνική Αρχειακή Εταιρεία [Greek Archival Society] – with an overview of archives in Greece and other institutions for cultural heritage
- Εθνικό Ευρετήριο Αρχείων (Greek Archives Inventory) – much more than just a directory of archival institutions; interface Greek and English
- Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτου [Genika Archeia tou Kratou], Athens – the Greek national archive
- Ιστορικού Αρχείου της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος [Historical Archives of the Bank of Greece], Athens – interface Greek and English
- Ιστορικό Αρχείο Μακεδονίας [Istoriko Archeio Macedonias, Historical Archive of Macedonia], Thessaloniki – the archive for the region Macedonia
- Ιστορικό Αρχείο Κρήτης [Historical Archive of Crete], Chania, Crete
- Αρχεία Σύγχρονης Κοινωνικής Ιστορίας [Contemporary Social History Archives], Athens – interface Greek and English
- The Archive, Nunatta Katersugaasivia Allagaateqarfialu / Greenland National Museum & Archives, Nuuk – with also some digitized collections
- Archivum: Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár (National Archives of Hungary)
- Archives of Hungary, Hungarian Archives Portal – a directory of archives; interface Hungarian, English and German
- Budapest Fóváros Levéltára (Budapest City Archive)
- Vademecum Contemporary History Hungary. A Guide through Archives, Research Institutions, Libraries, Associations, Museums and Places of Memorial, János M. Rainer, Judit M. Topits and Ulrich Mählert (eds.) (Berlin-Budapest 2005)
- θjóðskjalasafn Íslands / National Archives of Iceland, Reykjavik – with also an overview of heradsskjalasofn, regional archives; interface Icelandic, Danish and English
- Einkaskjalasafn – samskrá yfir einkaskjalasöfn á Íslandi – the search portal of a number of Icelandic archives
- Borgarskjalasafn Reykjavíkur (City Archives Reykjavik)
- Irish Archives Resource – a portal for archives and archival collections in Ireland
- The National Archives of Ireland, Dublin
- Dublin City Archives
- Manuscripts and Archives, Trinity College Dublin – a wide variety of collections
- UCD Archives, University College Dublin
- Archives and Records Association UK and Ireland
- Learn About Archives, ARA Ireland – a portal introducing to the world of archives, with documents and a selection of relevant links
- Research And Special Collections Available Locally (RASCAL) – a database for searching collections with relevance for the humanities and social sciences in Irish archives, libraries and museums
- Catholic Archives Catalogue – searching in archival collections of Catholic religious orders and congregations
- Military Archives, Defence Forces Ireland – interface Irish and English
- Sistema Guida generale degli Archivi di Stato italiani – a guide to the major provincial archives directed by the Direzione Generale Archivi, you can also download PDF’s for individual state archives, including the Archivio Centrale dello Stato, see also the Sistema archivistico nazionale (SAN), the SIAS portal for inventories of the Archivi di Stato, and the similar portal SIUSA for searching all kind of archives, with thematic and regional subsites (interface Italian and English)
- Istituto Centrale per gli Archivi (ICAR) – the central institute for Italian archives with a number of (thematic) portals and a digital library
- Biblioteca digitale, Direzione generali per gli Archivi – a very useful collection of digitized guides and source editions, for example the Liber iurium of Genua and archival guides, for example the Guida degli Archivi diocesani d’italia, vol. I (1990) (PDF)
- Rete di archivi per non dimenticare – a portal for archival collections concerning the struggles against violence, terrorism and maffiosi
- Archivi della Musica – in a country with such a rich musical history you expect a portal for archives with music in their holdings
- Archivi di famiglie e di persone. Materiali per una guida (1998)- an online version (PDF’s) of this guide for family archives and personal papers; I, Abruzzo-Liguria, II: Lombardia-Sicilia-1 and II-2, and III: Toscana-Venezia
- BEweb 2020: Portale dei beni culturali ecclesiastici, Chiesa Cattolica – a portal to ecclesiastical heritage collections, including archival collections; interface in five languages
- Censimento delle raccolte fotografiche in Italia – photographic collections
- Archivi della Scienza – a portal for finding scientific arfchival collections, with biibliographies and finding aids; interface Italian and English
- Censimento degli archivi inquisitoriali in Italia, SIUSA – a census of inquisitorial archives in Italy; interface Italian and English
- Archivi Storici Toscani – a portal to municipal archives (archivi comunali) in Tuscany
- Archivi in Toscana – a second, wider portal for archives in Tuscany
- Cataloghi, inventari e archivi, SIDFA – a portal for library catalogs, archives and archival inventories in the area around Florence
- Strumenti, Archivio di Stato, Florence – guides, an overview of collections, information about the catasti, a database for Florentine heraldry and external links
- Associazione Archivi Storici delle Famiglie, Florence – eight Florentine family archives; interface Italian and English
- Gondi-Medici Business Records, University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Philadelphia – a wide variation of documents, mostly from the fifteenth to the end of the seventeenth century; nearly 200 documents have been digitized
- Italian family papers, 1200s-1900s, University of Pennsylvania Libraries – with documents from several Italian towns; some parts of these papers have been digitized
- SIAR Veneto: La Rete di Archivi in Veneto – a portal for archives in Venice and the Veneto region
- Archivi e centri di documentazione, Città di Venezia – an overview of archives and documentation centers with a multilingual interface
- Archivio generale, Città di Venezia – the municipal archive holds materials from 1806 onwards about Venice and the former adjacent communities
- Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Venice – the state archive for Venice, with an extensive online guide; interface Italian and English
- Ecclesiae Venetae, SIUSA and Archivio di Stato di Venezia – ecclesiastical archives in the city Venice and the Veneto; interface Italian and English
- Archivi storici, LombardiaBeniCulturali – the large section for archives on this portal for cultural heritage in the province Lombardy
- La Statale Archivi, Università degli Studi di Milano – the archives of this university
- IBC Emilia-Romagna – the portal for archives and archival collections in this Italian region
- Fondi nel web, Biblioteca dell’Archiginnasio, Bologna – a database for finding nearly 300 archival collections in this municipal library
- Percorsi negli archivi ebraici del Piemonte – Jewish archives in Piemonte
- Archivio storico, Fondazione Banca di Napoli – the archive for eight banks from the sixteenth century onwards; interface Italian and English
- Archivio di Stato di Genova – the archive of an old and powerful merchant city
- RInASCo: Recupero Inventari degli Archivo Storici Comunali, Regione Lazio – a project for collections of municipal archives in Lazio
- Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Rome – the Italian national archive, with on a subdomain a guide to its holdings and also a quick overview of digitized collections in a tree structure
- Archivio di Stato di Roma – the Roman state archive
- Archivio Storico Capitolino – the municipal archive of Rome
- Archivio storico di Quirinale, Presidenza della Repubblica, Rome
- Archivio storico della Camera dei Deputati, Rome
- Patrimonio dell’Archivio storico, Senato della Republica, Rome – online inventories
- Archivio Storico Diplomatico, “Farnesina”, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Rome – the archive of the ministry of foreign affairs
- Fondazione Gramsci, Rome – the archives of this foundation do not only have holdings concerning Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) and the Italian communist party, but also cultural archives
- Archivio storico de Propaganda Fide, Congregazione per l’Evangelizzazione dei Popoli, Rome – one of the most important religious archives of the catholic church; multilingual interface
- Archivio storico, Penitenzieria Apostolica, Rome – the archive of one of the papal courts
- Archivum Generale Ordinis Praedicatorum, Rome – the archive of the Dominican Order, you can consult online the database with finding aids; multilingual interface
- Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Rome – the central archive of the Jesuit Order; interface Italian and English
- Agjencia Shtetërore e Arkivave të Kosovës [National Agency for the Archives of Kosovo], Pristina – interface Albanian, English and Serbian
- Latvijas Nacionālais Arhīus, Riga – the national archives; interface Latvian, English and Russian
- Landesarchiv, Vaduz
- Lietuvos vyriausiojo archyvaro tamyba (Office of the Ltithuanian State Archivist) – the national archival service with information about all Lithuanian archives; interface Lithuanian and English
- Archives Nationales de Luxembourg – with a search engine; interface French and German
- Archives municipales, Luxembourg – the municipal archives, with online inventories; interface French
- Diözesanarchiv, Luxembourg
North Macedonia
- Државен архив на Република Македонија [National Archive of the Republic Macedonia], Skopje – interface Macedonian, Albanian and English; with some digitized documents from the Ottoman period
- Arkivji Nazzjonali ta’ Malta, La Valletta – the national archives
- Archdiocese of Malta Archives
- Notarial Archives, La Valletta – interface English and Maltese
- Serviciul de Stat de Arhiv al Republicii Moldova, Chisinau – the Moldovian national archival service
- Vademecum Contemporary History Moldova, A guide to archives, research institutions, libraries, associations, museums and sites of memory, Klaus Bochmann and Marina Dumbrava (eds.) (Berlin 2015)
- Državi arhiv Crne Gore [State Archives of Montenegro], Cetinje
- Arkivverket, Oslo – the Norwegian national archives; interface Norwegian and English
- Arkivportalen – a portal to archives in Norway with a searchable database
- Norges Dokumentarv, Arkivverket – Norwegian archival records in the Unesco Memory of the World register
- Byarkivet Oslo
- Bergen Byarkiv (Municipal Archive Bergen)
- Archnet: Naukowy Portal Archiwalny – a portal site for archives in Poland; interface Polish
- Archiwum Glowne Akt Dawnych w Warsawie (Central State Archives, Warsaw) – the Polish national archives; interface Polish and English
- Archiwum Panstwowe w Warszawie (City Archive, Warsaw) – interface Polish and English
- Archives in Poland, Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, New York – an overview of archives in Poland – archived version, 2020
- Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych (Central Direction Polish State Archives)
- Szukaj w archiwach, Archiwa Panstwowa – the central search portal of the Polish state archives; interface Polish, Russian, Engosh and German
- Archiwa Spoleczne (Social Archives), Warsaw – an initiative for a new form of archiving close to people and organizations
- Europejskie Centrum Solidarnosci / European Solidarity Center, Gdansk – an archive about the Solidarnosc labour union and the opposition against communism between 1970 and 1989; interface Polsih and English
- Archiwa Rodzinne Niepoldleglej [Independent Family Archives] – a project to support private family archives
- Vademecum Zeitgeschichte Polen / Historii Najnowszei w Polsce, Krzysztof Ruchniewicz et alii (eds.) (Wroclaw-Berlin-Leipzig 2004; online, PDF, 1 MB) – a guide to archives, ibraries, museums and other institutions, in German and Polish
- Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo, Lisbon – note the use of virtual exhibitions for various themes, with often a concise bibliography and links to digitized important documents
- Rede Portuguesa de Arquivos – the portal for public archives in Portugal; you can choose archives from the dropdown menu of the search field in the top right corner
- Portal Português de Arquivos – searching in archival collections held by 32 archives in Portugal
- Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, Lisbon – an archive with collections for the overseas history of the Portuguese colonial empire
- Arquivo Histórico Parlamentar, Assembleia da República, Lisbon – the historical archive of Portugal’s parliament, with a separate search portal
- Arquivo e Biblioteca, Instituto Diplomático, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Lisbon
- Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa – the city archive of Lisbon
- Outros sites, Tombo: Registos paroquiais portugueses para genealogia – this page of a genealogical website leads you to many archives in Portugal and their digital collections
- Invent.arq: Inventários de arquivos de família, sécs. XV-XIX: de gestão e prova a memórias perdidas, repensando o arquivo moderno, Universidade de Nova Lisboa – a project around family archives in the medieval and Early Modern period
- Arquivos, Casa Comum and Fundação Mario Soares, Lisbon – inventories and digitized materials not only for Portugal’s history in the twentieth century, but also for its colonial empire
- Arquivo de História Social, Universidade de Lisboa
- Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril, Universidade de Coimbra – a research center focusing on the return of democracy in 1974, with archival collections and a digital library
- Arhivele Nationale ale României, Bucharest – the Roumanian national archive, with an interactive map to find 42 branches; interface Roumanian and English
- Arhiva diplomaticâ, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Bucharest – interface Roumanian, English and French
- Vademecum Contemporary History Romania. A Guide through Archives, Research Institutions, Libraries, Societies, Museums and Memorial Places, Stejarel Olaru and Georg Herbstritt (eds.) (Berlin-Bucarest 2004; online, PDF, 0.6 MB)
San Marino
- Archivio di Stato della Repubblica di San Marino – interface Italian and English
- Arhivi u Srbiji (Network of Archives in Serbia), State Archives of Serbia – with a multilingual interface
- Istorijki Arhiv Beograda (Historical Archives of Belgrade) – interface Russian, Serbian and English
- Историјски архив града Новом Саду [Historijki Arhiv Grada Novo Sada, Historical archive of the town Novi Sad]
- Arhiv Jugoslavije, Belgrad – an archive concerning former Yugoslavia; interface Serbian and English
- Slovenský národný archív, Bratislava – the Slovakian national archives
- Archív mesta Bratislavy – the municipal archive of Bratislava
- Statne archívy, Ministerstvo vnútra SR – an overview of archives in Slovakia
- Vademecum Contemporary History Slovakia. A guide to archives, research institutions, libraries, associations and museums, Dušan Kováč, Adam Hudek and Frank Hadler (eds.) (Berlin-Bratislava 2008)
- Arhiv Republik Slovenije, Ljubljana – the Slovenian national archives, with an overview of other archives in Slovenia; interface Slovenian and English
- Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana (State Archive Ljubljana)
- SIRAnet – a search portal of six Slovenian archives; interface in nine languages
- Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor [Regional Archives Maribor] – interface Slovenian, Hungarian, English and German
- Pokrajinski arhiv Koper / Archivio Regionale di Capodistria, Koper – this archive holds also materials concerning Triest and Istria in the Venetian and Italian period
- Censo-Guía de Archivos de España e Iberoamérica – a searchable database for archives in Spain and Latin-America
- Centro de Información Documental de Archivos – the archives portal of the Spanish ministry of Culture and Education, with for example the database Guía de fuentes documentales de archivos and concise guides for a number of state archives, Guía de Archivos y Centros Estatales (PDF’s)
- Guías de Archivos, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporta – a choice with links to online guides to several types of archives, some of them offering a general introduction
- Portal de Archivos Españoles (PARES) – searching using the tree structure at this portal for Spanish online inventories and digitized archival records – and also manuscripts – can be daunting, but most rewarding, too; many collections are important for Latin-American history, and there are a lot of sub-domains – the online guide Taming PARES by Scott Cave and Ashleigh Dean is a must-read to unlock all riches
- Archivo Histórico Nacional (AHN), Madrid
- La Guerra de Independencia a través de los fondos del Archivo Histórico Nacional – a portal concerning a pivotal period in Spanish history (1808-1814)
- Archivo General de la Administración (AGA), Alcalà de Henares – the archival centre with the most recent archival collections
- Archivos de la Comunidad de Madrid – a portal to the city archives of Madrid
- Archivo de Villa, Ayuntamiento Madrid – the city archives of Madrid
- Archivo Histórico del Banco de España, Madrid
- Archivo del Congreso de Diputados, Madrid – the parliamentary archives; interface Spanish and English
- Archivo General de Palacio, Madrid – an archive with royal archival collections, including those of some religious institutions under royal patronage
- Archivo Histórico de Protocolos, Madrid – in Spain regions and cities have special archives for notarial registers, here from 1504 to 1917
- Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica (CDMH), Salamanca – this archive holds documents concerning the Spanish civil war
- Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid (ARCV) – with a virtual exhibition Las Lanas de Medialburque (The wool of Middelburg) on a case during the Dutch Revolt
- Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Granada (ARCHGR)
- Archivo General de Simancas (AGS) – founded in the sixteenth century
- Archivo General de Indias (AGI), Sevilla – with rich resources for the history of Latin America
- Archivo Histórico de la Nobleza (AHNOB), Toledo – archival collections on Spanish nobility and gentry
- Archivo de la Corona de Aragón (ACA), Barcelona
- Arxiu Municipal de Barcelona – the municipal archive; interface Castillian, Catalan and English
- Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona – interface Catalan, Castillian and English
- Arxiu General, Diputació de Barcelona – interface Castillian, Catalan and English
- DARA – Documentos y Archivos de Aragón – a portal for finding archives in Aragón and searching items in archival collections; the buscadores contain for instance a search interface for Documentos medievales aragoneses (DOMA / DARA-Medieval) which leads you also to digitized sources
- Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya, Sant Cugat de Valles – interface Catalan, Spanish and English
- Archivo del Regno de Valencia / Arxiu del Regne de Valéncia (ARV), Valencia
- Arxius, Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona – with charters (pergamins), administrative and notarial records
- Dokuklik, Sistema Nacional de Archivos de Euskadi, Euskadiko Artxibo Historikoa – searching in Basque archives; interface Spanish, Basque and English
- Portal de Archivos de Andalucia, Junta de Andalucia – with @rchivAWeb, a separate search portal for ten regional archives – the virtual exhibition Archivos de Andalucía (Google Arts & Culture and Junta de Andalucía) brings many digital showcases
- Arquivos de Galicia, Xunta de Galicia
Some archival guides are available online as PDF’s, in particular the Guía de los archivos de la Iglesia en España, J.M. Martí Bonet (ed.) (Barcelona 2001) and the Guía de archivos militares españoles (Madrid: Ministerio de Defensa, 2012).
- National Archives Database (NAD}, Riksarkivet – searching for archives in Sweden; interface Swedish and English; you can also use for state archives the overview of Verksamhetsplatser
- Riksarkivet, Stockholm – the Swedish national archive
- Stadsarkivet Stockholm – the city archives
- Arkivregister Stockholms Län, Föreningsarkiven i Stockholms Län – a database for finding archival institutions and collections in the province Stockholm
- Arken, Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm, and Umeå Universitetsbibliotek – a database for finding archival collections and personal papers at three Swedish national library
- Sondera – until January 2020 a search portal for searching with one action in the Libris library portal, the national archival database NAD and audiovisual documents in the Svensk Mediedatabase; interface Swedish and English
- Kringla, Riksantikvarieämbetet (Swedish National Heritage Board) – a search portal for collections in Swedish museums, including also archival collections and books
- Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv, Bern – interface German, French, Italian and English
- Rechtstexte, Urkunde und Staatsverträge, Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv – a most useful starting point for the Swiss national archives
- Adresses d’archives en Suisse, Verein schweizerischer Archivaren und Archivarinnen (VSA-AAS) – a useful map and list of archives and their addresses; interface French and German
- ArCHeco: Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsbestände in Archiven der Schweiz und Liechtensteins – a repertory for archives pertaining to economic history
- Schweizerisches Wirtschaftsarchiv, Universitätsbibliothek Basel – archives for economic history
- Kirchliche Bestände in schweizerischen Archiven, Arbeitsgruppe Geistliche Archive and Verein schweizerischen Archivaren und Archivarinnen – a searchable database for ecclesiastical collections in Swiss archives
- Handschriften – Archive – Nachlassen, Universität Basel – an overview of collections with manuscripts, archives and papers in ten Swiss libraries and a few archives; in 2021 its functionality became also available at SwissCollections, interface in four languages
- Archives Online – searching online in finding aids in a large number of Swiss archives; interface German, French and English
- HelveticArchives, Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek, Bern – online inventories of archival collections in the Swiss national library and personal papers in the Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv; interface German, French, Italian and English
- Archivkatalog, Burgerbibliothek, Bern – this library holds a number of private archives and also the Burgerarchiv, the archive of the patrician rulers, and archives of the guilds; you can also search in five thematic collections
- Stadtarchiv Bern – the municipal archive of Bern, with a separate search site for its archival collections
- Archiv für Zeitgeschichte, ETH Zürich – an archive for contemporary history; interface English and German
- Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv, Zürich -an institution for social history with a library and archival collections; interface German, French and English
- ZB Collections: Nachlässe, Archive und Einzelhandschriften, Zentralbibliothek Zürich – the entrance for finding numerous archival collections concerning persons, guilds and societies
- Manuscrits et archives, Bibliothèque de Genève – interface French, English and German; manuscripts and some 600 archival collections with personal papers which you can search at the Odyssée portal
- Portail des archives neuchâteloises – for searching archival collections in three institutions at Neuchâtel
- Klosterarchiv Einsiedeln – the archive of a famous Benedictine abbey, with also digitized archival records
- Archives de l’ancien Évêché de Bâle, Porrentruy – the archive of the early Modern diocese Basel, with for example a project on criminal cases, in particular concerning sorcery, Crimes et châtinents (Transkribus)
Infoclio has created an online guide for research in Swiss archives, available in German and French. Ad fontes introduces you to the Klosterarchiv Einsiedeln and the Staatsarchiven of Aargau and Zürich.
- Archives in Ukraine, Derzhavnii Komitet Arkhiviv Ukrainy – the portal of the state archives; interface Ukrainian, Russian and English
- Vademecum-Contemporary History Ukraine. A guide to archives, research institutions, libraries, associations and museums, Georgiy Kasianov and Wilfried Jilge (eds.) (Berlin-Kyiv 2008; PDF, 0,7 MB)
- Archives of Ukraine. Guide book, State Archival Service of Ukraine (Kyiv 2012; PDF, 11,6 MB)
- ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Ukraine, Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Sabre – a summary from 1998 with concise information about the main archives
- State Archive of Kiev – the municipal archive ranks with the state archives; interface Ukrainian, Russian and English
- Centre for Research on the Liberation Movement, Lviv – a centre for the study of Ukraine’s history since the nineteenth century; in Ukrainian
- Ukrainian National Remembrance Institute, Kyiv – an institution which brings information online about many subjects in Ukraine’s history in the twentieth century; in Ukrainian
United Kingdom
- The National Archives, Kew
- Find An Archive, National Archives, Kew – here you can search for some 2,500 archives; note also the information about historical research and the archival world
- Manorial Documents Register, National Archives – a database for finding documents in archives about manors, their administration and legal matters, except title deeds
- Archives and Records Association UK and Ireland
- Archives Hub, JISC – finding aids for English university archives, special archives and some regional archives, with a filter for digital content
- The Survey of Jewish archives in the UK and Ireland, University of Southampton – a searchable database for finding relevant archival collections on Jewish history
- AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 area – a searchable database for finding archives
- Archives for London – a platform for users of archival institutions in London, with a useful London for Researchers guide listing many archives
- Archives and Manuscripts, British Library – the online catalogue for finding archival collections and manuscripts
- Resources for South Asia, British Library – with in particular the India Office Records and Private Papers
- Parliament Archives, London
- London Metropolitan Archives – the city archives, with a searchable collections catalogue
- City of Westminster Archives Centre, London
- Bank of England Archive, London – with also digitized archival documents
- BBC Archive – an archive with rich audiovisual collections
- The Royal Archives, Windsor
- Archives and Special Collections, London School of Economics – with a wide variety of collections, searchable in several catalogues
- Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick – a repository for national archives of trade unions and employer organizations, with lots of collections touching on British social history
- Manuscript Collections, Special Collections, University of Southampton – with online databases for searching the papers of the Duke of Wellington, Lord Palmerston and Lord Mountbatten
- Mass Observation Archive: Recording everyday life in Britain, University of East Sussex, Brighton
- Special Collections, University of East Sussex, Brighton – with for example collections concerning Rudyard Kipling, Richard Attenbrough, Viriginia and Leonard Woolf
- Subject guides, Manuscripts & Archives, Cambridge University Library – you will find among other things military, naval, music and religious archives (e.g. Ely), see this overview
- Cambridge University Archives – access to online finding aids of the university archives, finding aids for college archives and the papers of many famous scholars and celebrities
- Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge – with not just archival collection concerning Winston Churchill, but also for other persons and Conservative politicians
- Online Catalogues of Archives and Manuscripts, Bodleian Libraries, Oxford – for online searching in a number of inventories of archival collections and manuscript catalogues
- Oxford University Archives: Holdings, Bodleian Libraries – you can access a number of inventories online
- Oxford College Archives – the portal website of the archives of colleges in Oxford
- English Monastic Archives, University College London – a database and downloadable dataset enabling you to search for houses, orders, counties, repositories, time periods and document genre
- Religious Archives Group: Britain’s Archival Religious Heritage – with a directory of relevant archives
- Lambeth Palace Library, London – the archives and collections of the archbishops of Canterbury
- Church of England Record Centre, London – this archive has a shared online database for its archives and manuscripts, but it is located in a different building in London
- Mundus: Gateway to missionary collections in the United Kingdom – with many links
- Location Register of English Literary Manuscripts and Letters, University of Reading
- Scottish Archive Network – a portal for archives in Scotland
- National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh – with the National Register of Archives for Scotland
- Archifau Cymru / Archives Wales – the portal for archives in Wales, with an online catalogue
- NLW Archives and Manuscripts, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth
- Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Belfast
- Gibraltar National Archives – with a number of digitized archival records and registers
See also the printed guide by Janet Foster and Julia Sheppard, British archives. A guide to archive resources in the United Kingdom (4th ed., Basingstoke-New York 2002). Archives Hub (JISC) has an online guide Using Archives: A Guide for the Inexperienced.
Vatican City
- Archivio Apostolico Vaticano (AAV), Città del Vaticano – the online overview of archival collections at the AAV in ArchiveGrid is based on the Michigan project (1984-2004), but you will need older printed guides, too; the most recent is by Francis Blouin et alii (eds.), An Inventory and Guide to Historical Documents of the Holy See (Oxford 1998) which incidentally goes beyond the AAV; see also the introduction of the Vatican Film Library, St. Louis University; the most recent edition of the Indice dei Fondi e relativi mezzi di descrizione e di ricerca dell’Archivio segreto Vaticano is available online (PDF)
- Archivio storico della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Feda (ACDF) – the archive of the congregation long known as the Sant’Uffizio, the Roman inquisition, founded in 1542
- Inventories of archival collections, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana – this great library is home to several archival collections, for example the Chigi and Colonna families, and medieval notaries in Orange
Digital archival collections in Europe
- European History Primary Sources: Archival documents, European University Institute, Florence – this was a section for archives of this useful portal to numerous digital collections in Europe
- Open Society Archives, Budapest – an archive and library concerning human rights and post-war society in Eastern Europe, with digital collections and the Parallel Archive
- CrossbordersArchives: Written Sources of Slovak and Austrian Archives – digitized archival records in one of the projects of the ICARUS platform [International Center for Archival Research]
- Matricula Online, ICARUS – a project for digitizing church registers in Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Poland and Serbia
- Porta fontium, Generaldirektion der Bayerischen Archive, Munich and Státni oblastní archiv v Plzní (State Archive, Pilsen) – a portal to digitized archival records in Bavaria and the Czech Republic
- Acta Publica, Moravý zemský archiv v Brne, Brno – a portal to digitized church registers for birth, baptism and death from South Moravia and Austria; interface Czech, German and English
- Archivum Rhenanum: Digitale Archive am Oberrhein / Archives numérisées du Rhin supérieur – a Franco-German project of archives on both sides of the Rhine, with a blog
- Social History Portal – selected digital collections of research institutions in the field of social and economic history, such as the IISH (Amsterdam)
- European Film Gateway (EFG) – digitized films from the collections of 38 institutions
- EUscreen – a portal for digitized televison and videos from the holdings of major institutions and broadcasters
- Yerusha: Jewish Archives Europe – an initiative to create a digital portal for archival records concerning European Jewish history
- The Pinkassim Project, National Library of Israel, Jerusalem – a project for the digitization of Early Modern deliberation registers of Jewish communities in Europe
- Judaica Europeana, Jewish Heritage Network – 35 digitized collections, with manuscripts, rare bok=oks, photographs and archival records
- Digital collections, International Tracing Service Arolsen – a part of the collections has been digitized; interface German and English
- Medieval Scrolls Digital Archive, Harvard University – a good selection of medieval scrolls in various genres
- – a portal with mainly digitized medieval charters from 170 archives and other cultural institutions
- Visual Archive Southeastern Europe, Universität Graz and Universität Basel
- Sound Toll Registers Online, Tresoar, Leeuwarden – a database created from the famous Danish tax registers (1409-1857, complete from 1574 onwards), interface Dutch and English; there is an online index at the Nationaal Archief, The Hague, for the period 1721-1763
- Der franziszeische Kataster, Universität Innsbruck – a project around land taxation from Habsburgian Austria around 1800, with attention to regions such as Carinthia, the Bukowina and Silesia; see also the searchable Begleitdokumente (Transkribus)
- ICTY Court Records, International Court for the former Yugoslavia, The Hague – access after registration, interface in five languages – you can use also the case transcriptions created by the ICTY
- Pharos: The International Consortium of Photo Archives – a portal for searching the photo collections of fourteen European and American institutions
- Arxius en linia, Arxiu Nacional d’Andorra
- Archivnet Österreichs – a portal to digitized archival collections in Austria; interface German and English
- Die Akten der Kaiserlichen Reichshofrats – the acts of the Imperial Court Council, starting with the Alte Prager Akten (1542-1766) and the Antiqua series (mainly 17th century); see also the digitized volumes of the edition
- Registers for the Wiener Stadtbücher, 1395-1430 – the indices allow you to search for many things in these registers of testaments; note also the glossary of legal terms
- Untertanensuppliken am Reichshofrat Kaiser Rudolfs II. (1576-1612), Universität Graz
- Die Ministerratsprotokolle der Habsburger Monarchie 1848-1918, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften – a growing collection with digitized versions of editions of this pivotal resource
- NS-Quellen: Materialien zum Nationalsozialismus. Vermögensentzug, Rückstellung und Entschädigungin Österreich, Forschungsbüro and Wiener Wiesenthalinstitut – a portal for sources on the economic and legal setbacks in all its forms, reparation and compensation during the period 1938-1945
- ‘Belgium’s digital archival treasures: a survey’, Rik Raetschelders, Porta Historica – a fine survey from 2013 with copious comments and direct links
- Searching the States’ Archives collections – the search portal of the Belgian state archives, with both online inventories and increasingly digitized items
- Topografisch-historische atlas, Algemeen Rijksarchief, Brussels – some 3,500 digitized images, with a focus on the First World War
- Archiefbank Brugge, Stadsarchief Brugge (Bruges) – access to finding aids and some digitized collections [for example medieval court records and First World War ordinances and proclamations], see also the heritage portal Erfgoed Brugge
- Scabinatus 4000, Archives de l’État de Liège – a project of the Université de Liège to digitize a series of régistres des échevins, aldermen’s registers from 1409 to 1797; the years 1409 to 1510 are already accessible
- Itinera Nova, Stadsarchief Leuven – in cooperation with the University of Cologne aldermen’s registers from 1365 to 1792 are transcribed and digitized
- Registers of the Raad van Vlaanderen, Rijksarchief te Gent – 329 digitized registers with acts and sentences of this court, active between 1386 and 1795
- Histoire et Archives, Archives de l’Université catholique de Louvain – three digital collections: photographs from the Great War, an exploration of the Saudian peninusula, and the archive of astronomer Georges Lemaître
- Kadocerfgoed: Religie, cultuur en samenleving, KADOC, Leuven – digital collections, virtual exhibitions and remarkable objects concerning catholicism in Belgium; interface Dutch and English
- Archives de Quarantaine / Quarantaine Archief, AAFB and VVBAD – an initative for a Belgian COVID-19 archive
- Sonuma: Les archives audiovisuelles – a portal for digitized audiovisual colections in Wallonie
- Databanken, Quetelet Centrum, Ghent University – a variety of statististical databases, also with historical statistics and HISGIS
- Digitalni arhiv, Hrvatski državni arhiv, Zagreb – digital archival collections of the Croatian national archives
- Pisana baština [Written heritage], Regional Archive Zadar and Universität Graz – a project for the digitization of manuscripts and archival records, some of them in Glagolitic script; there is an accompanying virtual exhibition
- DUCAC: Dubrovnik: Civitas et Acta Consiliorum: Visualizing the Development of the Late Medievel Urban Fabric – a project around archival sources for city history
Czech Republic
- Digitalni badatelna, Národni archiv – digital collections of the Czech national archives; interface Czech and English
- Digital archive, Moravý zemský archiv v Brne, Brno
- Digitální archiv, Statni oblastni archiv v Treboni (Regional State Archive Trebon) – interface Czech, English and German
- Václav Havel Library – a documentation center with a digital library and archive; interface Czech and English
- Thomas G. Masaryk Papers, University of Pittsburgh Libraries – 22 archival documents from the years 1918-1919 concerning the beginnings of the Czech Republic
- Terezín/Theresienstadt Collection, Jewish Museum, Prague – a collection with archival records from hte concentration camp during the Second World War
- ArkivDK – a database leading you to finding aids of Danish archives and where present also digitized materials
- Arkivalieronline, Rigsarkivet – searching for and looking at digitized records from the Danish national archives; interface Danish and English
- Kilder på nettet, Københavns Stadtarchiv – digitized police registers and much more from Copenhagen; note the nifty multilingual interface
- The Danish West-Indies, Rigsarkivet – 5 million scans of documents concerning 250 years of Danish presence in the Caribbean, in particular on the Virgin Islands
- Dansk Kulturarv – a platform for digitized materials concerning cultural heritage from several Danish institutions, including the Rigsarkivet
- Retrodigitalisering: Kilder til danske kommuners historie [Sources for Danish communal history] – not just digitized parish registers and communal registers, but also crowdsourcing for transcribing these resources
- Danske Kancellis Supplikprotokoller 1705-1795, Aarhus Universitet and Rigsarkivet – digital versions of an edition with supplications to the Danish chancery from selected years; see also the transcription website (Transkribus)
- SAAGA, Ravhusarhiiv, Tartu – the portal for digitized archival records of the Estonian national archive; interface Estonian and English
- Virtual Reading Room, Ravhusarhiiv, Tartu – a variety of digital resources and databases; interface Estonian and English
- Finna – the portal for (digital) collections of Finnish archives, museums and libraries
- Kansallisarkiston Digitaaliarkistoon – digital archival collections of the Finnish National Archives; interface Finnish, Swedish and English
- Tuomiokirjat [Finnish district courts records], Kansalliarkisto and Transkribus – searching in digitized and transcribed records from 1810 to 1870; interface Finnish, Swedish and English
- Diplomatarium Fennicum, National Archives of Finland – a database with digitized medieval charters; search interface Finnish, Swedish and English
- Documenta Carelica, Kansallisarkisto and National Archive of the Republic Karelia, Petrozavodsk – documents from the Carelia region; interface Finnish, Karelian, Russian and English
- ARCHIM, Archives nationales de France – a website dedicated to some showpieces and pivotal collections, such as the trial of the Templars, royal charters and registers, seals from Burgundy, documents concerning the French Revolution, papers of Robespierre, French constitutions since 1798, and much more
- Salle des Inventaires Virtuelles, Archives nationales de France – searching online in 24,000 inventories with an increasing number of digital images, currently some 8 million
- Archives de France: Portail d’acccès aux archives numérisées – you can search for particular departemental archives, also using a map, or browse the list with themes
- Panorama des documents d’archives en ligne, France Archives – twelve overviews for particular types of archival records and record series – – there is a similar alphabetical list at FranceGenWeb
- Archives en ligne, France Archives – three interactive maps for searching digitized military registers, cadastral maps (ground registry) and civil registration in departemental archives
- Archives: France, Ménestrel – a very useful overview of digitized medieval documents in French archives at this portal site for medieval studies
- Archives nationales d’outremer, Aix-en-Provence – archival collections from the overseas French colonial empire with an overview of archives, digitized sources (civil status, conscription registers); digitized images and maps can be searched in the Ulysse database
- Minutier central des notaires de Paris – searching for and in notarial registers from Paris
- Archives numérisées de Paris – mainly civil status (état civil), but also fonds judiciaires
- Archives de la Bastille, Gallica, Bibliothèque nationale de France – digitized archival records of this infamous prison during the Ancien Régime; part of its archive is held at the BnF
- e-NDP: Notre-Dame de Paris et son cloître. Les lieux, les gens, la vie 1326-1504, École nationale des Chartes, Archives nationales a.o. – a project around 26 digitized and transcribed registers of the cathedral chapter
- Trucs et astuces: Les papiers de Tocqueville, Archives départementales de la Manche, Saint-Lô – the personal papers and the manuscripts of the works of Alexis de Tocqueville
- Yale Tocqueville Manuscripts, ca. 1802-1840, Beinecke Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT – a selection of manuscripts, engravings and other pictures – also from his friend Gustave de Beaumont – has been digitized; there is a finding aid
- Les manuscrits de Stendhal, Grenoble – the university and the municipal library created this digital collection with author manuscripts and other archival records
- Archives du Périgord, Archives départementales de Pau – digitized archival resources and editions, with also a more detailed overview
- Archives en ligne, Archives municipales, Avignon – not only census and election registers, but also decisions of the municipal council and documents concerning police
- Le Petit Thalamus de Montpellier, Archives municipales de Montpellier – medieval city registers with privileges, chronicles and customary law
- Mémoire vive: Archives municipales, Ville de Besançon – city council deliberations, parish and population registers, census and tax registers; note also at this digital portal the Collection Granvelle
- The Himanis Project: Indexing the Trésor des Chartes registers – an international project with indexes for and access to some 68,000 medieval charters and registers from the royal archives at the Archives Nationales
- Brevets français, 19e siècle, Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle – a collection with nineteenth-century industrial patents (1791-1901) and trade marks (1857-1920)
- Archives numérisées, Archives départementales de Loire-Atlantique, Nantes -with imporant collections for maritime history and the dukes of Brittany
- Archives Touraines, Archives départementales d’Indre-et-Loire, Tours – a fair choice of digital collections
- Minutiers tourangeaux du XVe siècle et du début du XVIe siècle, Bibliothèque Virtuelle des Humanistes, Université de Tours – a project for the edition of late medieval notarial registers from Tours
- Ressources comptables en Dauphiné, Provence, Savoie et Venaissin (XIIIe-XVe siècle) – medieval accounts from several regional archives and the Archivio Apostolico Vaticano
- Norécrit: Aux sources de la Normandie. Pratiques de l’écrit dans la Normandie médiévale, Université de Caen-Normandie – with editions of local customary law in Normandy, a visitation register, episcopal charters and a pouillé from the thriteenth century, and sources from the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel
- Digitalisierte Bestände: Übersicht, Bundesarchiv – an overview of the main digitized archival collections
- ARGUS, Bundesarchiv, Koblenz – the search database for finding aids of the German national archives, including materials of the former DDR intelligence service, the infamous Stasi-Unterlagen
- Stasi-Mediathek – searching in and access to – a selection of – materials in the vast Stasi-Archive (111 kilometers) from the former DDR
- Enquete-Online: Die Enquete-Kommissionen zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur – a database version of the 32 volumes of the inquiry concerning the history of the DDR dictature
- Die DDR im Blick der Stasi: Die geheimen Bericht an die SED-Führung – a database with secret reports about the DDR in various forms between 1953 and 1988
- Digitalisierte Archivalien, Geheimes Staatsarchiv, Berlin – several series of digitized archival records and also manuscripts
- Weimar, die erste deutsche Demokratie, Bundesarchiv – a portal to digitized archival resources concerning the Weimar Republic (1919-1933), with among other things the Akten der Reichskanzlei. Weimarer Republik (original edition in 23 volumes (1968-1990))
- Die Kabinettsprotokolle der Bundesregierung – the Bundesarchiv adds every year digital versions of the original cabinet notes
- Zeitreihen zur historischen Statistik, Leibniz-Institut für Finanzmarkte Forschung, Frankfurt am Main – with series for several themes, including data on criminal offenses in the nineteenth and twentietj centuries
- Digitale Reichsstatistik, Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Hamburg and Kiel – a searchable version of the original volumes (1873-1883), with also crime statistics
- Deutsche Statistische Jahrbücher, Universität Mannheim – statistical almanacs in three series, 1880-1942 and 1952-1990, and also for the DDR (1955-1990)
- Digitale Sammlungen von Archiven, Wikisource – a concise overview of digital collections mainly in Germany, with also some projects in Austria and Switzerland
- Digitales Archiv Nordrhein-Westfalen – digital archival collections in this German Bundesland
- Das digitale Historisches Archiv Köln, Cologne – this digital archive started immediately after the fateful collapse of the archive building in 2009
- Archivinformationssystem Hessen – to some of the finding aids digitized documents have been connected; for Dutch researchers the Altes Dillenburger Archiv (Archivdatenbank Nassau-Oranien, Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Wiesbaden) is interesting
- Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen – a portal for regional history with also some digitized archival collections; some Hessian collections are in particular interesting for legal historians (court locations, registry maps)
- Digitales Archiv Marburg – digitized materials at Marburg
- Reformationsportal Mitteldeutschland (DigiRef) – a portal with digitized archival records concerning the Reformation from archives in Saxonia and Thuringia
- Archivgut Online, Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt – with not only online finding aids, digitized charters, registers and special items, but also a digital collection Friedliche Revolution 1989/90
- Medieval Ashkenaz – Corpus der Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im spätmittelalterlichen Reich, Universität Trier – sources for Jewish history in the late medieval German empire; interface German and English
- Die Rechtsprechung des Reichskammergerichts (1495-1806), Ruhr-Universität Bochum – a website with an downloadable database (25 MB) concerning the processes at the Reichskammergericht, the highest court of the Holy Roman Empire
- Württembergisches Urkundenbuch online, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg – some 6,500 medieval charters
- Digitalisierte Archivalien, Universitätsarchiv, Universität Tübingen
- Freisinger Handschriften (Traditionsbücher, Kopialbücher, Urbare und Rechnungsbücher), Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Munich and Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online – digital access to important medieval documents about land tenure and accounts
- Nuremberg Trials, Harvard Law School Library – see also in particular the virtual exhibition The Nuremberg Trials at 70 with an overview of other online resources; see also the overview of materials digitized by the Library of Congress, including the Blue, Red and Green Series
- Donovan Nuremberg Trials Collection, Cornell University Law Library – 150 volumes with transcribed reports and other documents
- Les minutes du procès Nuremberg, Université Caen – the French version of the official edition in 22 volumes, as web pages and PDF
- The International Military Tribunal for Germany, Avalon Project, Yale Law School – mainly a digital version of the Blue Set – also digitized by the Library of Congress – Gallica has digitized a French set in 41 volumes
- The International Military Tribunal Nuremberg, The Nizkor Project – a portal to relevant documents
- Taube Archive of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg (1945-46), Stanford University Libraries – some 250,000 digitized pages – see at Virtual tribunals: Public records from international criminal tribunal proceedings, 1948-present also collections for U.S. Army courts and cases in Germany and Asia after 1945, and later tribunals for East Timor and Lebanon
- Justiz und NS-Verbrechen, C.F. Rüter and D.W. de Mildt, Universiteit van Amsterdam – an online version of the source editions on trials after the Second World War, now completely in open access
- Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv – a portal for researching women’s history in Germany
- German history in documents and images, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
- Key Documents of German-Jewish History, Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden, Hamburg – a portal with selected documents and archival records
- Testifying to the truth: Eyewitnesses to the Holocaust, Wiener Holocaust Library, London – a digital oral history archive with 1,000 eyewitness accounts
- The Online Wiener Archive, Wiener Library for the Study of the Nazi Era and the Holocaust, Tel Aviv University
- Coronarchiv, Universität Hamburg, Ruhr Universität Bochum and Universität Giessen – a project documenting life in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Rechtsprechung im Ostseeraum, Universität Greifswald – a project for the digitization and transcription of verdicts and legal consultations for three Early Modern tribunals
- Rezesse der niederdeutschen Städtetage, Forschungsstelle für die Geschichte der Hanse und des Ostseeraums, Stadtarchiv Lübeck and Transkribus – acts of Hanseatic towns for the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries onwards, starting from 1537
- Der Reichstag zu Regensburg 1576, Historische Kommission bei der bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften and Universität Graz – texts and images of documents now kept in Vienna concerning this important event
- @ρχειομνήμων [Archeiomemnon] – a portalsite in English of the Greek State Archives for many digitized archives, with further links
- A database of Ottoman documents in the Kaireios Library of the island Andros, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Rethymno, Crete – transliterated legal documents from the Ottoman period
- Ψηφιακό Αρχείο 1821 (Digital Archive 1821 – a digital archive concerning Greece’s struggle for independence in 1821; interface Greek and English
- Hungaricana – at this portal you will find several archival collections, with medieval charters, documents from Budapest, royal letters and decrees, a census from 1767 and much more; interface Hungarian and English
- Digital Archives Portal, National Archives of Hungary and Budapest City Archives – a combined protal for digital collections of both institutions; interface Hungarian, English and German
- Hungarian Archives Portal – quick access to digitized resources, with also a bibliography; interface Hungarian, English and German
- Adatbasizokonline (Databases Online) – a portal to online archival databases with overviews for categories and repositories, and for subjects; interface in five languages
- Budapest Fóváros Levéltára (Budapest City Archive) – with a number of digitized archival collections (criminal procedures, notarial deeds, inheritance cases); interface Hungarian, English and German
- MTVA Archivum – digital audiovisual collections and also music scores and press media; interface Hungarian
- Arcanum Maps – digitized country maps, city maps and historical land registry maps, including Katasterkarten for the Habsburg Empire; interface Hungarian, German, English and Rumanian
- Stafrænar heimildir (Digital resources), National Archives of Iceland – a wide choice of digitized archival records; judicial records can be found in the section Dómabókagrunnur; interface Icelandic, Danish and English
- Einkasjöl – electronic archival records at the National and University Library of Iceland; interface Icelandic and English
The Diplomatarium Islandicum –Íslenskt fornbréfasafn, Jón Sigurðsson et alii (eds.) (16 vol., Reykjavik 1852-1972) exists only in print form, digitized at Baekur.
- Digital resources, National Archives of Ireland, Dublin – a number of digitized archival collections
- Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland, National Archives Ireland – this portal with three reconstructed archival collections, and much more, was launched in June 2022, acentury after the tragic destruction in 1922
- CIRCLE: A Calendar of Irish Chancery Rolls c. 1244-1509, Trinity College, Dublin – the restoration and reconstruction of the important resource sdeverely damaged at the Public Record Office in 1922 took more than forty years, with now some 20,000 documents
- The 1641 Depositions, Trinity College, Dublin – digital images and transcriptions of records concerning the 1641 rebellion
- The Down Survery: Mapping a century of change, Trinity College, Dublin – a survey of landed property conducted between 1656 and 1658, with a HISGIS map
- irish Famine Archive, National University of Ireland, Galway, a.o. – digitized and transcribed accounts from eyewitnesses about the 1847-1848 disaster
- Dublin Metropolitan Police and Civic Guard (Garda Síochána) Personnel Registers, Digital Library, University College Dublin – for the period 1837-1975, accessible upto 1925, and 1922-1924 (Civic Guard)
- Dublin Metropolitan Police (DMP) Prisoners Books, Digital Library, University College Dublin – for the period 1905-1918
- Historical reports, Central Statistics Office – mainly census records since 1821; see also the Online Historical Population Reports (OHPR)
- Documenti online, Sistema archivistico nazionale (SAN)
- Archivio digitale, Istituto Centrale per gli Archivi (ICAR) – a portal with digitized archival collections of currently 22 state archives
- Politica estera e storia: Documenti ed immagini della diplomazia Italiana, Farnesina, Ministero degli Affari Esteri – a digital archive concerning Italian diplomacy and foreign policy
- Serie storiche, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica – historical statistical data
- BOhisto: Bozen-Bolzano History online, Stadtarchiv Bozen – the digital portal with digitized sources for the history of this town in Tirol; interface Italian and German
- Sfondrati family papers, Brigham Young University – some 300 Early Modern archival records from a family in and around Como
- Città degli Archivi, Bologna – searching for municipal collections from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
- Digitalizazzione di alcuni fondi, Archivio di Stato di Bologna – a selection of medieval archival records
- Lodovico Media Library, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia – a portal with digital collections from archives, libraries and museums in the region Emilia-Romagna, with for example charter collections, letters and registers of Lucrezia Borgia, Hebrew fragments, and archives of banks; interface Italian, English and German
- Fondo Datini, Archivio di Stato di Prato – digital access to this famous medieval merchant archive in Tuscany
- Diplomatico: Pergamene secoli VIII-XIV, Archivo di Stato, Florence and Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa – 85,000 digitized charters and rolls
- The Medici Archive Project – archival records in Florence from and around the Medici family; access after registration
- Mediceo avanti il Principato, Archivio di Stato, Florence – materials from the fourteenth century until 1537
- Progetto Archivi Digitalizzati, Archivio di Stato, Florence – yet more digitized archives; here an overview of the fondi
- Tratte, Brown University – a database on officeholders in Florence between 1282 and 1532
- Online Catasto, 1427-1429, Brown University – the legendary digital project started by David Herlihy (1930-1991) to edit this Florentine tax register; you can also access a dataset (University of Wisconsin) and an Excel version (Centre des recherches historiques, EHESS, Paris)
- Spinelli Archive 1321-1917, Beinecke Library, Yale University – a substantial digital selection from a Florentine family and business archive, with papal bankers and diplomats; finding aids
- Medici Family Letters, Wichita State University, Wichita, KA – nearly 250 letters
- Gli anni della Cupola 1417-1436, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin – sources for the building project at the Santa Maria del Fiore, saved thanks to microfilms taken in 1958 and registers salvaged from the 1966 flooding of Florence; interface Italian and English
- La Memoria degli Sforza, Lombardia Beni Culturali and Archivio de Stato di Milano – sixteen digitized registers with letters by Francesco Sforza I (1450-1456)
- moreveneto, Archivio di Stato di Venezia – the portal to digitized Venetian archival records
- Judaica-Europeana, Archivio di Stato di Venezia and Brandeis University- digitized archival records about the Jewish community in Venice
- The Rulers of Venice, 1332-1524, Benjamin G. Kohl, Andrea Mozzato and Monique O’Connell – a database around the doges
- Cives Veneciarum (CIVES): privilegi di cittadinanza veneziana, dalle origini all’anno 1500, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia – a database for searching medieval grants of Venetian citizenship
- Estimo Veneziano 1379, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia – a database for a Venetian taxation register
- Archivio digitale, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice – a number of digiitzed cultural heritage collections, for example concerning Antonio Vivaldi
- Codice digitale degli archivi veronesi (VIII-XII secolo), Andrea Brugnoli (ed.) – an online edition with images of charters and other archival records held at libraries and archives in Verona, with a repertory of notaries
- Digital Archive Verona, Archivio di Stato di Verona – with digitized inventories, maps and wills
- IANUA, Archivio di Stato di Genova – the digital portal of this archive, and apart from that fourteenth-century notarial registers at Notariorum Itinera and transcribed records at Genoese notarial contracts 1300-1550 (Transkribus)
- Archivio digitale della comunità ebraica di Mantova, Biblioteca digitale, Biblioteca Teresiana, Mantua – digitized archival records dating from the sixteenth to the twentieth century
- Progetto Imago II, Archivio di Stato di Roma – with a number of census records (catasti) and other series (serie), among them charters and notarial registers
- Descriptio Romae: Catasto Urbano-Pio Gregoriano, Archivio di Stato di Roma – a HISGIS for one of the Roman catasti (1816 and 1835)
- Risorse digitali, Archivio Storico Capitolino, Rome – various digitized archival collections, among them papers of the Orsini family, historical maps and photographs; interface Italian, English and French
- Orsini Family Papers 1150-1950, UCLA University Library – 76 items from the archive of a very important Roman family; you can use also an online finding aid (Online Archive of California)
- Protocolli di notai romani del Trecento, Società Romana di Storia Patria – transcriptions of four fourteenth-century notarial registers
- Digitalizazzioni, Archivio di Stato di Torino, Turin – here, too, a variety of projects, with for example medieval accounting rolls from the Savoye and Early Modern peace treaties
- Archivio Albani: Papa Clemente XI, Biblioteca Oliveriana, Pesaro – digitized archival records concerning this pope (Giovanni Francesco Albani, 1649-1721)
- Il Codice minerario di Massa Maritima (secc. XIII-XIV), Università di Siena – one of the oldest texts concerning medieval mining law; archived version
- Fondazione 1563: Archivio Storico della Compagnia di San Paolo, Turin – between 1563 and 1852 this institution was active in education and finance, documented in a rich archive
- Digitalizzazione, Archivio storico, Banca di Napoli – three digital projects, and Progetto Pandetta, a project for automatic transcribing with Transkribus
- Archivi della Resistenza, Fondazione Gramsci – resistance movements during the Second World War
- Archivio Lodovico Antonio Muratori: Carteggi e documenti, Biblioteca Universitaria Estense, Modena – Internet Culturale – digitized documents and notebooks of this important historian
- Il fondo Galileiano. Manoscritti, Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Florence / Internet Culturale – with nearly 350 autograph manuscripts by Galleo Galilei; this portal has more collections connected with Galilei
- Pergamentu kolecija, Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania – digitized medieval charters, with a number of papal documents; interface Lithuanian and English
- Pergamentu / Parchments, Wroblenski Library, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences – nearly 300 charters; interface Lithuanian and English
- Malta Parish Archives, The Malta Study Center at the Virtual Hill Museum and Library, Saint John’s University – digitized parish registers from the sixteenth century onwards
- Notarypedia, Notarial Archives – a recently launched project for creating digital access to notarial registers
Netherlands – more can be found at my Old Dutch Law page
- Nationaal Archief, Den Haag – the search portal Ga het NA has been intergrated with the website of the Dutch national archives; increasingly digitized items are added to the online inventories and clearly indicated, among them for example a series of the “Prize Papers” from the High Court of Admiralty kept at Kew and many Dutch East India Company records
- Goetgevonden, Huygens Institute and Nationaal Archief – digitized and transcribed Early Modern resolutions of the States General
- Zoek Akten (Search Acts) – a genealogical portal bringing you mainly to digitized civil status records, often the microflims created for FamilySearch; this site has stopped, however, you can visit for similar purposes Wie WasWie and Open Archieven
- Archieven in beeld: Historische transcripties – a pilot for a platform of several major Dutch archives for searching with AI in transcriptions of some 200.000 digitized scans
- Beeldbank Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed – a database with nearly a million images concerning Dutch cultural heritage and history, including the cadastral maps (land registry maps) created between 1811 and 1832
- Alle Amsterdamse Akten, Stadsarchief Amsterdam – a portal for Early Modern notarial acts; access to the acts after free registration; you can now search directly in transcribed acts at Transkribus
- Boedelbank, Meertens Instituut/KNAW, Amsterdam – a searchable database for the texts of Early Modern house inventories from four Dutch regions showing the movable goods and belongings of deceased persons
- Dutch Prize Papers, Huygens Institute, The Hague – one of the projects to digitize and transcribe prize papers from records series of the High Court of Admiralty, TNA
- RemDoc: Rembrandt Documents, Huygens Institute and Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen – a database with transcribed documents concerning or mentioning Rembrandt van Rijn, a lot of them are legal documents
- BoschDoc, Huygens Institute and Radboud Universiteit – a similar project with records concerning the life and work of Jheronimus Bosch
- The Amboyna Conspiracy Trial, Monash University – a digital collection – also for educational use – about a case confronting the Dutch and English at the island Ambon in the Indonesian archipelago in 1623
- Digitale Charterbank Nederland, Huygens Institute – a tool for searching among some 170,000 charters in Dutch archives, increasingly with images and sometimes transcriptions
- Charterbank, Regionaal Archief Tilburg – some 1200 late medieval charters with transcriptions and summaries
- Digitized collections, Zeeuws Archief, Middelburg – among them the Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie, and guides for the Admiralty of Veere and resources concerning Suriname
- Pilgrim Archives, Erfgoed Leiden en omstreken (Heritage Leiden) – a selection of digitized documents from the early seventeenth century
- Historische collectie, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) – statistical data from the 19th and 20th centuries
- Volkstellingen 1795-1971, CBS and DANS – Dutch general census data
- GlOBALISE Transcriptions, Huygens Institute – access to transcriptions of 4,8 million scans of the series Overgekomen brieven en papieren [Received Letters and Papers] in the Dutch East India Company archive (VOC) (1610-1796)
- Regionaal Archief Tilburg, Transkribus – currently mainly searchable transcriptions of notarial acts from the eighteenth century
- Digitalarkivet, Arkivverket – the digital archive of the Norwegian governmental archives; interface Norse and English
- DigitaltMuseum – at this portal for digitized museal collections you can find also some collections of archives
- Oslo Byarkiv – the digital archive of the municipal archives in Oslo
- Diplomatarium Norvegicum, Digitalarkivet / Dokumentasjonsprosjektet, Universitet i Oslo- a database version of the 23 volumes concerning medieval charters; interface Norwegian and English; most of the printed volumes have been digitized by the Nasjonalbiblioteket
- Regesta Norvegica, Digitalarkivet / Dokumentasjonsprosjektet, Universitet i Oslo – a database version of this work with summaries of all historical medieval documents until 1430; currenly some 13,000 items
- Diplomsamlingen, Universitetbiblioteket i Bergen – formally only a catalog for some 1,250 documents, among them 300 medieval charters, but with many images attached
- Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe (National Digital Archive) – audiovisual materials and archival records from the Polish State Archives; interface Polish and English
- Szukaj w Archiwach – searching online for some 23 million digitized archival records in Polish archives; interface Polish, English and German
- Archiwum Akt Nowych – an archive in Warsaw for 20th-century archival records
- Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warzawie (Central Archive of Historical Records in Warsaw) – a search interface for a number of digitized collections in Warsaw
- Lubelskie Archiwum Cyfrowe (Digital Archive Lublin) – documents from a city archive
- Archiwa Prezolumu 1989-1991 (Archives of the Breakthrough) – digitized records about the Polish revolution around 1990 and the role of Solidarnosc
- ArchiwaOnline, Diocese of Radom – digitized parish registers, also for other Polish dioceses, and also for records at Lviv and Vilnius
- IURA: Źródła prawa dawnego / Sources from old laws, Jagiellonski University, Cracow – a portal with seventeen collection cocnerning Polish law and institutions from the Middle Ages up to the twentieth century; interface Polish and English
- Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo – DigitArq, Lisbon – the digital archive of the Portuguese National Archives
- Arquivo Histórico Parlamentar, Assembleia da República – finding aids for archival collections in this parliamentary archive and access to digitized photographs, films and videos
- Arquivo Digital do Camões, Lisbon – four digitized collections, including documents concerning colonial history
- Memórias Paroquiais de 1758, Arquivo Nacional de Torre Tombo and Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa – a digitized survey of Portugal with an interactive map; interface Portuguese and English
- Arhiva Medievalâ României – an international project for the digitization of medieval documents, as for now already some 55,000 documents
San Marino
- Antichi documenti, Archivio di Stato – access after registration; interface Italian
- Portal de Archivos Españoles (PARES) – searching using the tree structure at this portal for Spanish online inventories and digitized archival records – and manuscripts – can be daunting, but most rewarding, too; many collections are important for Latin-American history, and there are a lot of sub-domains – the online guide Taming PARES by Scott Cave and Ashleigh Dean is a must-read to unlock all riches
- Catastro de Ensenada, Archivo General de Simancas – between 1750 and 1754 a massive effort was made for a census of Castille documenting people, their situation and possessions
- Patrimonio documental: Archivo fondo 1834-1923, Senato de España
- Víctimas de la Guerra Civil y Represaliados del Franquismo, PARES – a database for searching persons who were victims of the Franco regime
- Fondos documentales, Archivos Históricos de la Región de Murcia – digitized medieval charters, acts of collegiate charters and socio-economic documents
- Arxius en línia, Departament de Cultura, Generalitat de Catalunya – searching for digitized materials in a number of Catalan archives; interface in five languages
- Pergamins, Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona – 15,000 digitized charters
- Fons històric de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu, Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona – archival records of a hospital founded in 1401
- Expediciones a Indias, Biblioteca Virtual de la Defensa – a selection of digitized archival records concerning the Spanish empire in the Americas upto the struggles for independence
- Spanish Legal Documents (15th-19th centuries), Library of Congress – some 1,700 documents, among them for example briefs and legal opinions
- Archivo de la Heredad de aguas de Arucas y Firgas, Memoria digital de Canarias – digitized records of a water managment board from the late seventeenth to the mid-twentieth century
- Galiciana: Arquivo Dixital de Galicia, Xunta de Galicia – interface Galician, Spanish and Portuguese
- Publicaciones históricas siglos XVI-XX, Instituto Nacional de Estadística – with a database for historical census records, two agrarian censuses, and several regional censuses
- SVAR, Digitala forskarsalen, Riksarkivet, Stockholm – the sheer variety of digitized resources at the Swedish national archives is impressive
- Svenskt Diplomatariums huvudkartotek (Medeltidsbrev) (SDHK), Riksarkivet – a database for searching Swedish medieval charters, with a filter for digitized charters; interface Swedish and English
- Svenska ostindiska kompaniets digitala arkiv, Universitetsbibliotek Göteborg – documents of the Swedish East India Company (1731-1813)
- Riksdagmotioner, Centre for Digital Humanities, Göteborgs Universitet – a database for searching parliamentary motions from 1971 onwards
- Tryckfrihetsfördningen, Riksarkivet / Transkribus – a searchable version of transcriptions of the parliamentary preparation in 1765-1766 for a law on freedom of press; interface Swedish and English
- Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz (Dodis) – a portal with digitized editions of documents on Swiss diplomacy, a journal and a bibliography; multilingual interface
- Digitalisiertes Archivgut, Staatsarchiv Basel – digitized archival records from the Kanton Basel
- Urfehdebücher der Stadt Basel, Universität Graz and Universität Basel – city registers concerning offenses, 1563-1569
- Jahrrechnungen der Stadt Basel 1535 bis 1610 – Digital, Universität Graz and Universität Basel – digitized city accounts
- Archives d’État / Base de données Adhémar, Geneva – another state or provincial archive
- Digital verfügbare Bestande, Staatsarchiv Zürich – the Kanton Zürich, too, has digitized a number of archival records, for example the Zürcher Gesetzessammlung seit 1803
- Der Zürcher Sommer 1968, Universität Zürich – nearly one thousand digitized documents about the student revolts in Zürich
- Zurlaubiana, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, Aarau – an online version of its core, the edition of the Acta Helvetica, 186 massive volumes with some 35,000 documents from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century
- Memobase – a portal for digitized audiovisual documents from 44 Swiss cultural and research institutions
- e-manuscripta – not only manuscripts from seven Swiss libraries, but also some archival documents, maps, and personal papers
- Vallesiana – the portal for digitized cultural heritage collections in Wallis; interface German and French
- Historische Statistik der Schweiz Online (HSSO) – mainly for the twentieth century, interface German, French and English
- Digital Archive of the Ukrainian Liberation Movement, Lviv – with digitized documents from several periods since the nineteenth century [interface Ukrainian and English
United Kingdom
- Online Collections, The National Archives – a guide to digitized collections; you can use preset filters
- Anglo-American Legal Tradition – a website at the University of Houston with images of legal documents at the National Archives
- The Cabinet Papers (1915-1984), National Archives, Kew
- Records Online, Parliamentary Archives, UK Parliament – legislation, debates, the medieval Parliamentary Rolls and judgments of the House of Lords
- Cambridge University Archives, Cambridge Digital Library – starting with an Early Modern inventory of books, records and movable property, and a sixteenth-century manuscript with charters and privileges
- Digital Documents, London Metropolitan Archives – one thousand digitized archival records
- The Great Parchment Project, London Metropolitan Archives – a project for restoring the records of a 1639 survey of estates in Derry, badly damaged by fire in 1786
- Charles Booth’s London: Poverty maps and police notebooks, London School of Economics – an online inventory of the 450 notebooks, some 40 digitized notebooks and the famous maps of his inquiry into nineteenth-century London
- Lambeth Palace Library Collections – a selection of digitized manuscripts, books and archival records from the holdings of this library and the Church of England Record Centre
- Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540-1835
- Digital collections, Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick
- Virtual Reading Room, Special Collections, University of Southampton – with in particular letters from the Palmerston Papers
- Digital Archive, Scottish Archive Network – a guide to digitized archival records, some on this site, others elsewhere
- ScotlandPlaces – a portal for digitized archival records
- Scottish Session Papers, University of Edinburgh – a pilot with some 13,500 images from the huge archive of the Scottish supreme court between 1780 and 1850 held at the Signet Library and the Advocates Library
- Scottish Court of Session Papers, University of Virginia Law Library – a collection guide with a Scots law glossary
- Digital Gallery: Archives, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth – a variety of digitized archival collections
- Crime and Punishment, National Library of Wales – a database concerning the criminal jurisdiction of the Court of Great Sessions, 1730-1830
- The Gibraltar Explorer, University of Toronto, Scarborough – with for example three digitized censuses
- Georgian Papers Programme, Royal Archives and Royal Library – a project for digitizing archival records for the Georgian Period (1714-1837)
- The Peterloo Massacre, University of Manchester – on August 16, 1819 a peaceful protest ended tragically
- Hearth Tax Digital, University of Roehampton and Universität Graz – taxes levied in seventeenth century England and Wales
- 1723 Oaths of Allegiance, London Metropolitan Archives, University of Roehampton and Universität Graz – many women, too, signed their oath after a conspiracy
- Durham Priory Library Recreated – apart from digitized medieval manuscripts held at Durham Cathedral Library some cartularies and registers from Durham Cathedral Archive are present here, too
- Canterbury Cathedral Image Gallery – with also digitized archival records and books
- Lascelles Slavery Archive, Borthwick Institute, University of York – slavery records from Harewood House
Vatican City
- Atti ufficiali della Santa Sede – a digital collection with the officials acts in the Acta Sanctae Sedis (1865-1908), the Acta Apostolicae Sedis from 1909 onwards, and an edition of acts and documents concerning the Vatican during the Second World War [Actes et documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, Pierre Blet et alii (eds.) (11 vol., Città del Vaticano 1970-1981)]
- Archivi, Digital Vatican Library – not only manuscripts are being digitized these years, also items from several archival collections held by this library, such as the Archivio Capitulare di San Pietro and the archive of the Chigi family
- International standards for archival description and arrangement, ICA – for example ISAD(G), ISDIAH and Records in Contexts
- Encoded Archival Description (EAD), Library of Congress
- Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM), Library of Congress – in the absence of official terms one does encounter the use of the term manuscripts for archival records based on this thesaurus
- UK Archival Thesaurus – a subject thesaurus – i.e. a structured classification system – for archivists in the United Kingdom
- Archiefzoeker, Eric Hennekam – Hennekam works as an historian for the university hospital in Utrecht; unfortunately he stopped in December 2018 with this database with records for more than 5,000 digital collections from archives, libraries and museums worldwide
- Archivalia – the blog informing you about much more than only news about German archives, with many contributions by everactive archivist Klaus Graf (Archiv der RWTH, Aachen), a treasure trove of useful information about archives, libraries and museums
- Verband deutscher Archivarinnen und Archivaren e.V. (VdA) – the German society of archivists publishes the journal Archivar in cooperation with the Landesarchiv Nordhrein-Westfalen
- Liste deutschsprachiger Archivblogs (2016), Archive 2.0 – a useful overview of German archives in the blogosphere
- Terminologie der Archivwissenschaft, Archivschule Marburg – in alphabetical or thematic order; don’t forget the section with bibliographies
- Glossar ausgewählter archivfachlicher Begriffe, Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Frankfurt am Main – a selection of archvial terms with succinct definitions
- “Kleine” Archivalienkunde, Staatliche Archive Bayerns – a concise guide to archiving and a number of types in archival records
- Südwestdeutsche Archivalienkunde, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg – an introduction to German archival practice, with a bibliography
- Aktenkunde: Akten lesen als historische Hilfswissenschaft – a blog about a very typical German approach to governmental acts, with a bibliography about administration and chanceries
- Archiefschool, Hogeschool van Amsterdam – the Dutch school for archivists
- Archiefwiki – a platform of Dutch and Flemish archivists with an interactive map for searching Dutch archives and Dutch and Flemish archival terminology from around 1900 until now – alas since ultimo June 2023 offline
- Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek, Archief en Documentatie (VVBAD) – the Flemish society for archivists and librarians
- Association des archivistes français – the French society of archivists; the journal Gazette des Archives is online at the Persée platform (1936-2016)
- The Association of Canadian Archivists – with the journal Archivaria
- Monografie gratuite, Direzione Generale Archivi – a useful overview of online archival publication series for several countries, with a similar overview for archival journals
- Manuales de archivistica, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte – mainly Spanish archival manuals; there is a simiar overview with dictionaries and glossaries
- Diccionario de terminología archivística, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte – terminology for Spanish archivists
- Archivistics, Eric Ketelaar – the blog of probably the best-known contemporary Dutch archivist
- Archive Journal – an open access online journal focusing on archival theory and the use of archives in higher education
- Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België / Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique – not an online journal, but the site offers a multilingual search interface for its contents